§ 9-304. Inspection of potatoes; "stop-sale" order.
(a) Authority of Secretary to inspect stored potatoes.- To carry out the provisions of this subtitle, the Secretary may enter any place of business, warehouse, common carrier, or other place where potatoes for propagation purposes are stored or being held, and inspect them. The Secretary may take for inspection any representative sample of the potatoes necessary to determine whether this subtitle is violated.
(b) Issuance of "stop-sale" order.- If the potatoes or parts of them are found to be in violation of this subtitle or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to it, the Secretary may issue a written "stop-sale" order to the owner or custodian of the potatoes.
(c) Subsequent sale for propagation purposes prohibited.- No person, after receipt of a "stop-sale" order, may sell for propagation purposes any potatoes with respect to which the order has been issued. The "stop-sale" order does not prevent the sale of any potatoes for other than propagation purposes.
(d) Appeal from "stop-sale" order.- Any person pecuniarily interested in any certified Irish potatoes or U.S. No. 1 Irish potatoes may appeal from any "stop-sale" order to the Secretary, in accordance with the Department rules and regulations.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48, §§ 193, 195; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1.]