§ 11-602. Payments for detaining pilot or carrying pilot to sea.
(a) Detaining pilot.- If a licensed pilot is detained for any reason on a vessel that has employed the pilot to provide pilotage, the master of the vessel shall pay the cost of the pilot's maintenance and the daily rate of pay for an unlimited license pilot as determined by the bylaws of the Association for each day the pilot is detained.
(b) Quarantined pilot.- If a licensed pilot is quarantined by order of a health officer because of conditions on a vessel that has employed the pilot to provide pilotage, the master of the vessel shall pay the pilot the cost of the pilot's maintenance and the daily rate of pay for an unlimited license pilot as determined by the bylaws of the Association for each day that the pilot is quarantined.
(c) Carrying pilot to sea.- If a master of a vessel carries a licensed pilot to sea under circumstances that are beyond the control of the pilot, the master shall:
(1) pay the pilot the daily rate of pay for an unlimited license pilot as determined by the bylaws of the Association until the return of the pilot;
(2) provide first class accommodations and maintenance for the pilot; and
(3) at the first opportunity, return the pilot by first class passage to the home port of the pilot.
(d) Liability.- The master, owner, charterer, and agent of a vessel shall be jointly and severally liable for any payments due under this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 74, § 13; 1989, ch. 3, § 1; 1996, ch. 214.]