§ 16-511. Renewal of certificate - Continuing education requirements.
(a) In general.- To qualify for renewal of a certificate under this subtitle, a holder of a certificate shall provide to the Commission adequate evidence that the holder meets the continuing education requirements established for certification under the federal Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989.
(b) Satisfaction of requirements.- A holder of a certificate may partly satisfy the requirement of subsection (a) of this section if the holder provides to the Commission adequate evidence that the holder:
(1) has completed an educational program that the Commission determines to be equal to that which the Commission approves; or
(2) in an educational program that the Commission approves and that is about real property appraisal theory and practice:
(i) has participated as a teacher, preparer of instructional materials, or in another similar capacity; but
(ii) has not participated as a student.
(c) Conducting courses.- The continuing education courses shall be conducted by:
(1) an accredited university, college, or community or junior college;
(2) an approved appraisal society, institute, or association; or
(3) another school that the Commission approves.
(d) Time and place of courses.- If feasible, continuing education courses shall be offered at reasonable intervals in each county and in each major geographic area of the larger counties.
(e) Document of completion.- On completion of a continuing education course by a certificate holder, the entity that conducted the course or the instructor shall issue to the certificate holder a document of completion that states the number of classroom hours of that course.
(f) Waiver.- The Commission may waive the requirements of this section for a certificate holder if the certificate holder shows good cause for being unable to meet the requirements.
(g) Grace period for renewal.-
(1) A real estate appraiser has a grace period of 6 months after the certificate of the real estate appraiser expires in which to renew it retroactively, if:
(i) the real estate appraiser is otherwise entitled to have it renewed;
(ii) the Commission determines that the real estate appraiser has failed to meet the requirements for renewal through mistake, misunderstanding, or circumstances beyond the control of the real estate appraiser; and
(iii) pays the renewal fee to the Commission.
(2) If a real estate appraiser renews a certificate within the 6-month grace period, the term of the renewal shall start the day after the certificate held originally by the real estate appraiser expired.
[1990, ch. 594; 1991, ch. 568; 1992, ch. 22, § 1; 1994, ch. 3, § 13.]