§ 17-311. Transfer of affiliation.
(a) Real estate salesperson.- A licensed real estate salesperson may transfer affiliation from a licensed real estate broker to another licensed real estate broker, if the real estate salesperson:
(1) obtains, from the other licensed real estate broker, a commitment providing that, on cancellation of the current affiliation of the real estate salesperson and issuance of a new license certificate and pocket card to the real estate salesperson, the real estate salesperson shall become affiliated with the licensed real estate broker as a real estate salesperson; and
(2) complies with the application procedures under subsection (c) of this section.
(b) Associate real estate broker.- A licensed associate real estate broker may transfer affiliation from a licensed real estate broker to another licensed real estate broker, if the associate real estate broker:
(1) obtains, from the other licensed real estate broker, a commitment providing that, on cancellation of the current affiliation of the associate broker and issuance of a new license certificate and pocket card to the associate broker, the associate broker shall become affiliated with the licensed real estate broker as an associate real estate broker; and
(2) complies with the application procedures under subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Application.- To transfer affiliation under this section, a qualified real estate salesperson or associate real estate broker shall:
(1) surrender the license certificate and pocket card of the salesperson or associate broker to the Commission;
(2) submit to the Commission a transfer application on the form that the Commission provides;
(3) submit to the Commission:
(i) acknowledgment from the licensed real estate broker with whom the salesperson or associate broker currently is affiliated that the affiliation is terminated; or
(ii) a statement from the salesperson or associate broker that the current affiliation of the salesperson or associate broker is terminated;
(4) submit to the Commission adequate evidence that the salesperson or associate broker has obtained, from a licensed real estate broker, a commitment providing that the salesperson or associate broker shall become affiliated with the licensed real estate broker as a real estate salesperson or an associate real estate broker on cancellation of the current affiliation of the salesperson or associate broker and issuance of a new license certificate and pocket card to the salesperson or associate broker; and
(5) pay to the Commission a transfer fee set by the Commission.
(d) Issuance of license certificate and pocket card.- On compliance by the applicant with the procedures of subsection (c) of this section, the Commission shall issue a new license certificate and pocket card to each real estate salesperson and associate real estate broker who meets the applicable requirements under this subtitle.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 4-311; 1989, ch. 3, § 1; 1994, ch. 3, § 13; 2005, ch. 399.]