§ 17-314. Term and renewal of licenses.
(a) Term of real estate broker license.- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, unless a real estate broker license is renewed for a 2-year term as provided in this section, the license expires on the first March 1 that comes:
(1) after the effective date of the license; and
(2) in an even-numbered year.
(b) Term of associate real estate broker and salesperson licenses.- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, unless an associate real estate broker or real estate salesperson license is renewed for a 2-year term as provided in this section, the license expires on the first April 30 that comes:
(1) after the effective date of the license; and
(2) in an even-numbered year.
(c) Staggered expiration.- The Secretary may determine that licenses issued under this title shall expire on a staggered basis.
(d) Renewal notice.-
(1) At least 1 month before a license expires, the Commission shall mail to the licensee, as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection:
(i) a renewal application form; and
(ii) a notice that states:
1. the date on which the current license expires;
2. the date by which the Commission must receive the renewal application for the renewal to be issued and mailed before the license expires; and
3. the amount of the renewal fee.
(2) (i) If the licensee is a real estate broker, the Commission shall mail the renewal application form and notice to the principal office of the broker.
(ii) If the licensee is an associate real estate broker or a real estate salesperson, the Commission shall mail the renewal application form and notice to the principal office of the real estate broker with whom the licensee is affiliated.
(e) Applications for renewal.- Before a license expires, the licensee periodically may renew it for an additional 2-year term, if the licensee:
(1) otherwise is entitled to be licensed;
(2) pays to the Commission a renewal fee set by the Commission;
(3) submits to the Commission a renewal application on the form that the Commission provides;
(4) submits to the Commission the original certificate of completion verifying that the licensee has complied with the continuing education requirements under § 17-315 of this subtitle;
(5) notifies the Commission of the name of each real estate broker with whom the licensee then is affiliated; and
(6) for the renewal of a real estate broker license:
(i) submits to the Commission, by a credit reporting agency approved by the Commission, a credit report that contains the information required by the Commission; or
(ii) pays to the Commission or the Commission's designee a credit report fee in an amount not to exceed the cost charged by a credit reporting agency approved by the Commission to obtain a credit report that contains the information required by the Commission for renewal of a real estate broker license.
(f) Renewal.- The Commission shall renew the license of and issue a renewal certificate and pocket card to each licensee who meets the requirements of this section.
(g) Reinstatement of license.- The Commission shall reinstate the license of a licensee under this title whose license has expired if the licensee:
(1) applies to the Commission for reinstatement within 4 years after the license expires;
(2) meets the requirement of good character and reputation;
(3) complies with the applicable continuing education requirement for the period during which the individual was not licensed; and
(4) pays to the Commission a reinstatement fee set by the Commission.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 4-314; 1989, ch. 3, § 1; ch. 218, § 2; 1991, ch. 492; 1993, ch. 94; 1994, ch. 3, § 13; 1998, ch. 49; 2005, ch. 399.]