§ 18-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Circumventional information.-
(1) "Circumventional information" means information, including pass codes, that allows an individual to alter the operation of a security system.
(2) "Circumventional information" does not include generic user or installation manuals.
(c) Firm.- "Firm" means a partnership or corporation.
(d) Firm member.- "Firm member" means a partner of a partnership or an officer or director of a corporation.
(e) License.- "License" means a license issued by the Secretary or the Secretary's designee to engage in the business of providing security systems services for compensation.
(f) Providing security systems services.- "Providing security systems services" means providing, on the premises of a person's residential or commercial property, the service of:
(1) surveying the property for purposes of installing a security system;
(2) physically installing, maintaining, or repairing a security system for the customer; or
(3) responding to a distress call or an alarm sounding from a security system.
(g) Representative member.- "Representative member" means a firm member who is appointed under this title to act on behalf of the firm.
(h) Secretary.- "Secretary" means the Secretary of State Police or the Secretary's designee.
(i) Security systems agency.- "Security systems agency" means an individual or a firm that conducts a business that provides security systems services.
(j) Security systems technician.- "Security systems technician" means a person who personally provides security systems services.
[1994, ch. 165, § 3; ch. 166, § 3; ch. 362; 1995, ch. 3, § 2; 1997, ch. 520; 2003, ch. 21, § 7.]