§ 18-308. Display of licenses; recordation; change of address.
(a) Display of licenses.-
(1) If the licensee is an individual, the licensee and each security systems technician employed by the licensee shall carry and display the license on demand of any customer or law enforcement officer.
(2) If the licensee is a firm, each firm member and security systems technician employed by the firm shall carry and display a copy of the license on demand of any customer or law enforcement officer.
(b) Recordation.- Each licensee shall record the license with the Secretary of State.
(c) Change of address.- Each licensee shall give the Secretary written notice of any change of address within 10 business days after the change.
[1994, ch. 362; 1995, ch. 3, § 2; 1996, ch. 226, § 2; 1997, ch. 520.]