§ 6-401. Assignment of local license.
(a) In general.- Subject to the limitations in this subtitle, an individual who holds a State license or qualifies for a State license may use the State license to:
(1) obtain a local license; and
(2) assign that local license to another person, including a sole proprietorship, who engages in the business of providing electrical services.
(b) Requirements for identification of assignment of local license.-
(1) Subject to the limitations in this section, if an individual obtains a State license on the basis of a local license under Subtitle 5 of this title and that local license has been assigned to a person who engages in the business of providing electrical services, the individual shall identify on the State license the person to whom that local license has been assigned.
(2) Subject to the limitations in this section, if an individual obtains a local license on the basis of a State license and intends to assign that local license to a person who engages in the business of providing electrical services, the individual shall identify on the State license the person to whom that local license is to be assigned.
(c) Conditions for identification.-
(1) If, at the time of application for a State license, an individual intends to assign a local license obtained on the basis of the State license, the individual shall:
(i) meet the requirements for issuance of a State license under § 6-309 of this title;
(ii) include, on the application form submitted to the State Board, the name of the person to whom the local license is to be assigned;
(iii) pay the appropriate State license fee under § 6-309 of this title; and
(iv) submit to the State Board proof of general liability and property damage insurance as required under § 6-604 of this title.
(2) If an individual obtains a State license on the basis of a local license that has been assigned, the individual shall:
(i) meet the requirements for issuance of a State license under § 6-309 of this title;
(ii) include, on an application form submitted to the State Board, the name of the person to whom the local license has been assigned;
(iii) pay the appropriate State license fee under § 6-309 of this title; and
(iv) submit to the State Board proof of general liability and property damage insurance as required under § 6-604 of this title.
(3) If, after issuance of a State license to an individual, the individual intends to assign a local license obtained on the basis of the State license, the individual shall:
(i) meet the notification requirements of § 6-314 of this title;
(ii) submit to the State Board an application for identification of the assignment on the State license;
(iii) pay to the State Board an identification fee of $50;
(iv) submit to the State Board proof of general liability and property damage insurance as required under § 6-604 of this title; and
(v) return the State license.
(d) Restrictions.-
(1) If an individual obtains a local license by the use of the State license of the individual, the local license may be assigned at any 1 time to only 1 person who engages in the business of providing electrical services.
(2) If at any time an individual holds 2 or more current local licenses that were obtained by the use of a State license, the individual may assign those local licenses only if the assignment is made to the same person.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 2-401; 1989, ch. 3, § 1.]