§ 12.5-303. Copy of invoice to be provided to local law enforcement unit or Department.
(a) In general.-
(1) A licensed locksmith shall provide to a local law enforcement unit or the Department a copy of each invoice or receipt for services requested by either a local law enforcement unit or the Department.
(2) The Secretary shall encourage licensed locksmiths to develop a system for maintaining the records required by this subtitle electronically.
(b) Methods.- On a request for an invoice or a receipt for services under subsection (a) of this section, the licensed locksmith shall submit the item by one of the following methods:
(1) by delivering or mailing a copy of the invoice or receipt for services within 5 business days after receiving the request; or
(2) by transmitting a copy of the invoice or receipt for services electronically, in a format acceptable to the receiving local law enforcement unit or the Department, within 2 business days after receiving the request.
(c) Information included.- Each copy of an invoice or a receipt for services, submitted to the local law enforcement unit or the Department, shall include:
(1) the license number of the licensed locksmith; and
(2) the information required under § 12.5-301 of this subtitle.
(d) Confidentiality.- A copy of an invoice or receipt for services submitted under this section:
(1) shall be kept confidential;
(2) is not a public record; and
(3) is not subject to Title 10, Subtitle 6 of the State Government Article.
(e) Destruction.- A local law enforcement unit or the Department may destroy the copy of an invoice or receipt for services submitted under this section after 1 year from the date the local law enforcement unit or the Department receives the copy.
[2009, chs. 551, 552.]