§ 13-106. Optional redemption for cash.
(a) In general.- A trading stamp company may not do business as a trading stamp company in the State unless:
(1) a rightful holder may redeem trading stamps for cash if the trading stamps have a total cash value of at least 25 cents; and
(2) the cash redemption value of the trading stamps is at least equal to the highest cash redemption value that the trading stamp company offers in any other jurisdiction.
(b) Notice.-
(1) Each trading stamp collection book shall contain a notice that states:
"If the total cash value of your trading stamps is at least 25 cents, they may be redeemed for cash instead of goods.
The cash value of a filled book of trading stamps is at least $ (cash value to be stated)".
(2) The notice shall be printed in 12 point or larger type on the inside front cover of the book.
(3) The trading stamp company shall display the same notice conspicuously at each place where the trading stamp company redeems trading stamps.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56, § 241; 1992, ch. 4, § 2.]