§ 16-208. Assignment, transfer, and surrender of licenses.
(a) License assignment.-
(1) A licensed retailer or licensed vending machine operator may not assign the license.
(2) If a licensed subwholesaler or licensed wholesaler sells the licensee's cigarette business and pays to the Comptroller a license assignment fee of $10, the licensee may assign the license to the buyer of the business.
(b) License transfer by Comptroller.- If the cigarette business of a licensee is transferred because of bankruptcy, death, incompetency, receivership, or otherwise by operation of law, the Comptroller shall transfer the license without charge to the new owner of the licensee's business.
(c) Voluntary surrender of license.-
(1) If a licensed subwholesaler or licensed wholesaler surrenders the license to the Comptroller and if no disciplinary proceedings are pending against the licensee, the Comptroller shall refund a pro rata part of the license fee for the unexpired term of the license.
(2) A licensed retailer or licensed vending machine operator is not allowed a refund for the unexpired term of the license.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56, § 616; 1992, ch. 4, § 2.]