§ 4-315. Boxing, kick boxing, or mixed martial arts contests.
(a) Boxer to be physically fit; blood tests.- A boxer, kick boxer, or mixed martial arts contestant shall be allowed to enter the ring only if:
(1) a physician approved by the Commission declares the boxer, kick boxer, or mixed martial arts contestant to be physically fit; and
(2) the boxer, kick boxer, or mixed martial arts contestant has complied with § 4-304.1 of this subtitle.
(b) Urine test required.- Each boxer, kick boxer, or mixed martial arts contestant in a contest shall submit to a chemical test of the urine of the boxer, kick boxer, or mixed martial arts contestant to detect the presence of a controlled dangerous substance defined in § 5-101 of the Criminal Law Article or other substance that the Commission prohibits by regulation.
(c) Number of rounds.- The Commission shall set the length in rounds of each boxing, kick boxing, and mixed martial arts contest.
(d) Safety regulations.-
(1) The Commission shall adopt regulations to ensure the safety of individuals who participate in amateur or professional mixed martial arts contests.
(2) In developing the regulations, the Commission shall consider:
(i) appropriate limits on acceptable maneuvers;
(ii) time limits for contest rounds; and
(iii) rules for termination of a contest.
[An. Code 1957, art. 56, §§ 122, 126; 1992, ch. 4, § 2; 1993, ch. 148; 1996, ch. 551; 2002, ch. 213, § 6; 2008, chs. 607, 608.]