§ 5-201. Office of Cemetery Oversight; Advisory Council on Cemetery Operations.
(a) Established.- There is an Office of Cemetery Oversight in the Department.
(b) Subject to authority of Secretary.- The Office exercises its rights, powers, and duties subject to the authority of the Secretary.
(c) Advisory Council on Cemetery Operations.-
(1) The Secretary shall appoint an Advisory Council on Cemetery Operations.
(2) The Advisory Council consists of eleven members.
(3) Of the eleven members of the Council:
(i) three shall be registered cemeterians representing the for-profit cemetery industry;
(ii) one shall be a registered cemeterian representing a nonprofit cemetery;
(iii) one shall be a registered seller from a monument company;
(iv) one shall be a representative from a religious cemetery; and
(v) five shall be consumer members.
(4) The Advisory Council shall be convened at least once a year to give advice to the Secretary and the Director.
(5) In addition to the annual meeting, the Advisory Council may meet as necessary.
(d) Term.- The term of a member is 3 years.
[1997, ch. 675, § 2; 1998, ch. 21, § 1.]