§ 14-1311. Extended warranties.
(a) Definitions.-
(1) In this section the following terms have the meanings indicated.
(2) "Consumer goods" means any new goods used for personal, family, or household purposes where:
(i) The purchaser of the goods has entered into an agreement to purchase an extended warranty on the goods purchased; and
(ii) The actual cash sales price of the goods paid by the purchaser is in excess of $50.
(3) "Consumer goods" includes household appliances.
(4) "Extended warranty" means a written warranty that:
(i) Covers consumer goods offered for sale by a guarantor or manufacturer;
(ii) Includes terms or conditions beyond those offered in any express warranty originally included as part of the contract of sale for the consumer goods; and
(iii) Is purchased at the time of the sale of the consumer goods.
(5) "Guarantor" means a person who:
(i) Is engaged in the business of making consumer products available to consumers; and
(ii) Makes a warranty.
(6) "Manufacturer" includes a manufacturer, its agent, or its authorized dealer.
(b) Restrictions.- Any extended warranty sold by a guarantor or manufacturer to a purchaser of consumer goods may not supersede any original express warranty and shall be offered in addition to the original express warranty.
(c) Date of applicability.- This section applies only to an agreement to purchase an extended warranty which is executed on or after July 1, 1984.
[1984, ch. 682; 2005, ch. 25, § 13.]