§ 3-202. Commissioner of Correction - Appointment; qualifications; term; oath; compensation.
(a) Appointment.- With approval of the Governor and the advice and consent of the Senate, the Secretary shall appoint the Commissioner of Correction.
(b) Qualifications.- The Commissioner shall be an individual with maturity and judgment who has:
(1) broad knowledge of correctional facilities and systems; and
(2) knowledge of correctional procedures and methods, correctional theories, institutional operations, and the psychology of inmates.
(c) Term.- The Commissioner serves at the pleasure of the Secretary.
(d) Oath.- Before taking office, the appointee shall take the oath required by Article I, § 9 of the Maryland Constitution.
(e) Compensation.- The Commissioner is entitled to the compensation provided in the State budget.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 673; 1999, ch. 54, § 2.]