§ 3-515. Procurement.
(a) In general.- A unit of State government shall purchase from Maryland Correctional Enterprises any goods or services that are available from Maryland Correctional Enterprises and that Maryland Correctional Enterprises can provide at a price not exceeding the prevailing average market price as determined by the Department of General Services.
(b) Purchases through primary procurement units.-
(1) The contracting unit shall inform each unit of State government for which it procures goods or services within 60 days after the award of a contract.
(2) Quarterly, each unit that requires goods or services for its operations shall inform Maryland Correctional Enterprises of its anticipated orders during the next 3-month period.
(3) If Maryland Correctional Enterprises is unable to provide any of the goods or services under the contract, Maryland Correctional Enterprises shall notify the contracting unit so that appropriate alternative action may be taken to meet the needs of units of State government for which the contracting unit procures goods or services.
(c) Suspension of provisions.- The Board of Public Works:
(1) shall suspend the application of subsection (a) of this section if the Board of Public Works finds that the purposes of Division II of the State Finance and Procurement Article are being unduly eroded due to the volume and scope of activities and sales by Maryland Correctional Enterprises; and
(2) may suspend the application of subsection (a) of this section for data entry services that involve information that is protected from disclosure under Title 10, Subtitle 6, Part III of the State Government Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 681C(a)(2), (3), (c); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; 2005, ch. 124.]