§ 3-602. Disclosure of case record.
(a) Prohibition.- Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, the contents of a case record maintained under § 3-601 of this subtitle may not be disclosed.
(b) Exceptions.- The contents of a case record may be disclosed:
(1) if the record is necessary to ensure proper medical treatment, to a provider of medical services to the inmate;
(2) to the inmate's attorney;
(3) to a person authorized by a court order;
(4) to a person expressly authorized by law;
(5) to a judge of a State court;
(6) to a State's Attorney;
(7) to an employee of any State unit or a federal or local law enforcement unit, if disclosure is in furtherance of the employee's lawful duties; and
(8) on written request, to a person who has written authorization for the disclosure from the inmate.
(c) Conditions for disclosure.- Except for a disclosure under subsection (b)(5) or (6) of this section, an inmate's case record may be disclosed only if the managing official of the correctional facility:
(1) approves the disclosure; and
(2) is satisfied that:
(i) each applicable condition set forth in subsection (b) of this section has been met;
(ii) the record will be used solely for the legitimate purposes of the person or governmental unit that receives it and not for any improper or unauthorized purpose; and
(iii) the record will not be further disseminated to a person or governmental unit not authorized to receive it.
(d) Regulations.- The Commissioner shall adopt regulations in accordance with this section to establish procedures that govern the disclosure of an inmate's case record.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 695(a)-(c); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; ch. 64.]