§ 3-604. State reimbursement for cost of providing case record.
(a) In general.- If an inmate is granted a rehearing or new trial by a court asserting jurisdiction over an offense for which the inmate is confined and the case record maintained under § 3-601 of this subtitle must be provided to the court or a correctional facility to which the inmate is transferred, the State shall reimburse the correctional facility or political subdivision for the cost of providing the record.
(b) Method of reimbursement.- The State shall make the payment described under subsection (a) of this section:
(1) through the Administrative Office of the Courts;
(2) after proper certification; and
(3) on a monthly basis.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 695(d); 1999, ch. 54, § 2.]