§ 6-104. Duties and powers generally; funding for Drinking Driver Monitor Program.
(a) Duties generally.- Subject to the authority of the Secretary and in addition to any other duties established by law, the Division:
(1) shall:
(i) supervise the conduct of parolees;
(ii) supervise an individual under mandatory supervision until the expiration of the individual's maximum term or terms of confinement;
(iii) regularly inform the Commission of the activities of offenders who are supervised by the Division;
(iv) issue a warrant for the retaking of an offender charged with a violation of a condition of parole or mandatory supervision, if this authority is delegated by the Commission to the Director of the Division; and
(v) administer the Drinking Driver Monitor Program, collect supervision fees, and adopt guidelines for collecting the monthly program fee assessed in accordance with § 6-115 of this subtitle; and
(2) may recommend:
(i) that the Commission modify any condition of parole or mandatory supervision; and
(ii) that the Commission issue a warrant for the retaking of an offender.
(b) Funding for Drinking Driver Monitor Program.- Funding for the Drinking Driver Monitor Program shall be as provided in the State budget.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, §§ 4-601(b), (e), 4-612(d); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; 2005, ch. 444, § 1.]