§ 6-115. Drinking Driver Monitor Program supervision fees.
(a) Definitions.-
(1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) "Program fee" means any fee the Division assesses on a supervisee the Division places in the Drinking Driver Monitor Program.
(3) "Supervisee" means a person that the court places under the supervision of the Division.
(4) "Supervision fee" means the fee the court orders under § 6-226 of the Criminal Procedure Article.
(b) In general.- All supervisees placed in the Drinking Driver Monitor Program by the Division shall be:
(1) subject to a monthly supervision fee in accordance with § 6-226 of the Criminal Procedure Article; and
(2) assessed a monthly program fee of $55 by the Division.
(c) Payment.-
(1) The Program fee imposed under this section shall be paid to the Division by all supervisees in the Drinking Driver Monitor Program.
(2) The Division shall pay the Program fees collected under this section into the Drinking Driver Monitor Program Fund.
(d) Grounds for exemption.- Notwithstanding subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the Division may exempt a supervisee as a whole or in part from the Program fee imposed under this section if:
(1) the supervisee has diligently tried but has been unable to obtain employment that provides sufficient income for the supervisee to pay the fee;
(2) (i) the supervisee is a student in a school, college, or university or is enrolled in a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare the student for gainful employment; and
(ii) certification of student status is supplied to the Division by the institution in which the supervisee is enrolled;
(3) the supervisee has a handicap limiting employment, as determined by a physical or psychological examination accepted by the Division;
(4) the supervisee is responsible for the support of dependents and the payment of the fee is an undue hardship on the supervisee; or
(5) other extenuating circumstances exist.
[2005, ch. 444, § 1; 2009, ch. 487, § 1.]