§ 7-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Commission.- "Commission" means the Maryland Parole Commission.
(c) Commissioner.- "Commissioner" means a member of the Maryland Parole Commission.
(d) Commutation of sentence.- "Commutation of sentence" means an act of clemency in which the Governor, by order, substitutes a lesser penalty for the grantee's offense for the penalty imposed by the court in which the grantee was convicted.
(e) Conditional commutation of sentence.- "Conditional commutation of sentence" means a commutation of sentence that is dependent on compliance with conditions precedent or subsequent that the Governor specifies in the written order granting the commutation.
(f) Conditional pardon.- "Conditional pardon" means a pardon that is dependent on compliance with conditions precedent or subsequent that the Governor specifies in the written order granting the pardon.
(g) Mandatory supervision.-
(1) "Mandatory supervision" means a conditional release from confinement that is granted to an inmate under § 7-501 of this title.
(2) "Mandatory supervision" includes a conditional release granted before July 1, 1989 that was referred to as "mandatory release".
(h) Pardon.- "Pardon" means an act of clemency in which the Governor, by order, absolves the grantee from the guilt of the grantee's criminal acts and exempts the grantee from any penalties imposed by law for those criminal acts.
(i) Parole.- "Parole" means a conditional release from confinement granted by the Commission to an inmate.
(j) Parolee.- "Parolee" means an inmate who has been released on parole.
(k) Partial pardon.- "Partial pardon" means a pardon that has been limited by the terms of the order granting the pardon to be of less effect than a full pardon.
(l) Predetermined parole release agreement.- "Predetermined parole release agreement" means an agreement among the Commissioner of Correction, the Commission, and an inmate for the parole of the inmate at a predetermined time if, during the inmate's term of confinement, the inmate fulfills the conditions specified in the agreement.
(m) Violent crime.- "Violent crime" means:
(1) a crime of violence as defined in § 14-101 of the Criminal Law Article; or
(2) burglary in the first, second, or third degree.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 700G(a); art. 41, §§ 4-501(1)-(5), (7), (8), (12), (13); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; ch. 69; 2002, ch. 213, § 6.]