§ 7-307. Hearing conducted by Commission panel.
(a) Assignment of commissioners; conduct of hearing.-
(1) The chairperson of the Commission shall assign at least two commissioners to hear cases for parole release as a panel.
(2) Each proceeding before a Commission panel shall be conducted in accordance with this section.
(b) Determination by Commission panel.-
(1) (i) A Commission panel that consists of two commissioners shall determine, by unanimous vote, whether the inmate is suitable for parole in accordance with the factors and other information specified in § 7-305 of this subtitle.
(ii) If the two-commissioner panel is unable to reach a unanimous decision, the chairperson of the Commission shall convene a three-commissioner panel as soon as practicable to rehear the case.
(2) A Commission panel that consists of three commissioners shall determine, by majority vote, whether the inmate is suitable for parole in accordance with the factors and other information specified in § 7-305 of this subtitle.
(c) Notice to inmate; written report.-
(1) The Commission panel shall inform the inmate and the appropriate correctional authority of the Commission's decision as soon as possible.
(2) If parole is denied, the Commission shall give the inmate a written report of its findings within 30 days after the hearing.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 4-509; 1999, ch. 54, § 2; ch. 64.]