§ 8-201. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Approved correctional training school.- "Approved correctional training school" means a school authorized by the Commission to offer training programs as provided under this subtitle.
(c) Commission.- "Commission" means the Correctional Training Commission.
(d) Correctional administrator.- "Correctional administrator" means a correctional officer who has been promoted from a supervisory rank to first-line administrative duties.
(e) Correctional officer.-
(1) "Correctional officer" means a member of a correctional unit whose duties relate to the investigation, care, custody, control, or supervision of inmates and individuals who:
(i) have been placed on parole or mandatory supervision;
(ii) have been placed on probation; or
(iii) have received a suspended sentence.
(2) "Correctional officer" does not include:
(i) the head or deputy head of a correctional unit; or
(ii) a sheriff, warden, or superintendent or an individual with an equivalent title who is appointed or employed by a unit of government to exercise equivalent supervisory authority.
(f) Correctional supervisor.- "Correctional supervisor" means a correctional officer who has been promoted to first-line supervisory duties.
(g) Correctional unit.-
(1) "Correctional unit" means a unit of State, county, or municipal government that is responsible under a statute, ordinance, or court order for the investigation, care, custody, control, and supervision of inmates and individuals who:
(i) have been placed on parole or mandatory supervision;
(ii) have been placed on probation; or
(iii) have received a suspended sentence.
(2) "Correctional unit" includes those facilities as set forth in § 9-226 of the Human Services Article and other facilities as designated by the Secretary of Juvenile Services.
(h) Department of Juvenile Services employee.-
(1) "Department of Juvenile Services employee" means a youth supervisor, youth counselor, direct care worker, or other employee of the Department of Juvenile Services whose employment responsibility is the investigation, custody, control, or supervision of minors, juvenile delinquents, and youthful offenders who are committed, detained, awaiting placement, adjudicated delinquent, or are otherwise under the supervision of the Department of Juvenile Services.
(2) "Department of Juvenile Services employee" includes an employee of any nonprofit or for-profit entity under contract with the Department of Juvenile Services whose employment responsibility is the investigation, custody, control, or supervision of minors, juvenile delinquents, and youthful offenders as described under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(i) Permanent appointment.- "Permanent appointment" means an appointment that has permanent status.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 4-301(b)(1), (2), (4), (6)-(9); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; 2000, ch. 483; 2003, ch. 53, § 4; 2007, ch. 8, § 1.]