§ 8-208. Powers and duties.
(a) Enumerated.- Subject to the authority of the Secretary, the Commission has the following powers and duties:
(1) to prescribe standards for the approval and continuation of approval of schools that conduct correctional, parole, or probation entrance level and in-service training courses required by the Commission, including State, regional, county, and municipal training schools;
(2) to approve and issue certificates of approval to correctional training schools;
(3) to inspect correctional training schools;
(4) to revoke, for cause, any approval or certificate of approval issued to a correctional training school;
(5) to prescribe the following for correctional training schools:
(i) curriculum, including entrance-level and annual training in the proper use of electronic control devices, as defined in § 4-109 of the Criminal Law Article, for correctional officers who are issued an electronic control device by a correctional unit, consistent with established law enforcement standards and federal and State constitutional provisions;
(ii) courses of study;
(iii) attendance requirements;
(iv) eligibility requirements;
(v) equipment and facilities;
(vi) standards of operation; and
(vii) minimum qualifications for instructors;
(6) to certify and issue appropriate certificates to qualified instructors for approved correctional training schools;
(7) to certify and issue appropriate certificates to correctional officers who have satisfactorily completed training programs;
(8) to conduct and operate approved correctional training schools;
(9) to adopt regulations necessary to carry out this subtitle, including regulations that establish and enforce standards for prior substance abuse by individuals applying for certification as a correctional officer;
(10) to make a continuous study of correctional training methods and procedures for all correctional training schools;
(11) to consult with and accept the cooperation of any recognized federal, State, or municipal correctional agency or educational institution;
(12) to consult and cooperate with universities, colleges, and institutions to develop all general and specialized courses of study for correctional officers;
(13) to consult and cooperate with other units of the State concerned with correctional training;
(14) subject to subsection (b) of this section, to develop and implement specific program design and appropriate course curriculum and training for Department of Juvenile Services employees; and
(15) to perform any other act that is necessary or appropriate to carry out this subtitle.
(b) Costs and expenses for Department of Juvenile Services training.- For any contract entered on or after July 1, 2000 between the Department of Juvenile Services and any nonprofit or for-profit entity, the cost and expenses for any course or training required under subsection (a)(14) of this section for Department of Juvenile Services employees of any nonprofit or for-profit entity under contract with the Department of Juvenile Services shall be paid for or reimbursed by the nonprofit or for-profit entity, and may not be a part of or reimbursed by funds from the contract with the Department of Juvenile Services.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 4-301(e)(1)-(6), (9)-(14); 1999, ch. 54, § 2; 2000, ch. 483; 2003, ch. 53, § 4; 2009, chs. 320, 321.]