§ 8-711. Rubbish cleanup in Prince George's County.
(a) Scope.- This section applies only in Prince George's County.
(b) Request by owner of private property.- An owner of private property may request the assignment of a community service worker to clean up and dispose of rubbish on the owner's property as a work project under this subtitle if:
(1) the rubbish was dumped on the property without the knowledge and consent of the owner; and
(2) the owner provides a signed release of all the owner's personal and property claims that may arise from the performance of the work project.
(c) Insurance.- Prince George's County shall insure a community service worker assigned to a work project under this section to the same extent as a worker assigned to a work project provided by a participating local agency under this subtitle.
(d) Notice of violation from Department of Environmental Resources.-
(1) If an owner has received a notice of violation from the Prince George's County Department of Environmental Resources because of rubbish dumped without the owner's knowledge and consent, and the owner appeals to the Board of Administrative Appeals for the County, the Board shall allow the owner to defend against the notice by asserting the liability of a third party, whose identity may be known or unknown to the owner.
(2) If the Board decides in favor of the owner, the Board shall grant the owner a reasonable amount of time to request the assignment of a community service worker under this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 726A(j); 1999, ch. 54, § 2.]