§ 10-204. Public records - Admissibility generally.
(a) Admissibility of copies.- A copy of a public record, book, paper, or proceeding of any agency of the government of the United States, the District of Columbia, any territory or possession of the United States, or of any state or of any of its political subdivisions or of an agency of any political subdivision shall be received in evidence in any court if certified as a true copy by the custodian of the record, book, paper, or proceeding, and if otherwise admissible.
(b) Provision of copies.- Except as otherwise provided by law, a custodian of a public record in the State or other person authorized to make a certification under this section shall, upon request, provide a certified copy of the public record to a party to a judicial proceeding or the party's attorney.
(c) Certification.- A certification under this section shall include:
(1) The signature and title of the custodian or other person authorized to make the certification;
(2) The official seal, if any, of the office; and
(3) A statement certifying that the copy is a true copy of the public record.
(d) Fee.- A custodian or other person authorized to make a certification under this section may charge a reasonable fee for providing a certified copy of a public record in accordance with this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 35, §§ 67-82; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 2, § 1; 1979, ch. 576; 1987, ch. 232; 1995, ch. 535.]