§ 3-1104. Purchase of personal protective equipment or chemicals.
(a) By county or municipality.- If a county or municipality purchased any personal protective equipment or chemicals for the use of a volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company, any reimbursement under this subtitle for the expense of an emergency response, containment, cleanup, and abatement shall be paid to the county or municipality that supplied the equipment or chemicals.
(b) By volunteer fire company, rescue squad, etc.- If a volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company purchases any personal protective equipment or chemicals for the use of the volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company, any reimbursement under this subtitle for the expense of an emergency response, containment, cleanup, and abatement shall be paid to the volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company that supplies the equipment or chemicals.
(c) By individuals.- If an individual who works for a volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company paid for the individual's personal protective equipment, then the individual shall receive any reimbursement obtained under this subtitle.
[1988, chs. 760, 761.]