§ 8-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly appeared as CJ § 8-101(a).
No changes were made.
(b) Jury commissioner.-
(1) "Jury commissioner" means an individual who is designated under a jury plan to manage jury selection and service.
(2) "Jury commissioner" includes an acting jury commissioner who is designated in accordance with a jury plan.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new and added to avoid repetition of references to "jury commissioner or clerk" and, thereby, to clarify that a designated clerk is acting as a jury commissioner. The addition also reflects revised CJ § 8-205(c), which is added to allow designation of an acting jury commissioner.
As to "include", see Art. 1, § 30 of the Code.
Defined Terms.
"Jury plan" § 8-101
(c) Jury plan.- "Jury plan" means a plan that the circuit court for a county adopts under this title to govern jury selection and service for the county.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new and added to allow concise and consistent reference to plans adopted under this title.
As to "county", see Art. 1, § 14 of the Code.
Defined Terms.
"Circuit court" § 1-101
(d) Prospective juror.- "Prospective juror" means an individual whose name is selected from a source pool but who has not yet been screened for disqualification, excusal, or exemption.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new and added to allow consistent reference to individuals at the stage in the selection process before qualification, formerly called "[p]ersons selected to be mailed juror qualification forms under § 8-206 of this subtitle" (former CJ § 8-202(2)(i)) and "names . . . to be placed initially in the master jurywheel" (former CJ § 8-202(2)(ii)). The addition reflects former CJ § 8-202(2)(i), which authorized use of electronic or other devices besides a "wheel".
Defined Terms.
"Source pool" § 8-101
(e) Qualified juror.- "Qualified juror" means an individual who, after selection as a prospective juror, is not disqualified, excused, or exempted.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new and added to allow consistent reference to individuals at the stage in the selection process after qualification, formerly called "names drawn from the qualified jury wheel" (former CJ § 8-202(3) and (4)) and "names of all persons drawn from the master jury wheel who are determined to be qualified as jurors under § 8-207 and not exempt under § 8-209 or excused under § 8-210" (former CJ § 8-208(a)(1)). The addition reflects former CJ § 8-208(a)(1), which authorized use of electronic or other devices besides a "wheel".
Defined Terms.
"Prospective juror" § 8-101
(f) Source pool.- "Source pool" means a pool from which the name of each prospective juror is to be selected as provided under a jury plan.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new and added to allow consistent reference to the compilation of lists used as the initial source of prospective jurors.
Defined Terms.
"Jury plan" § 8-101
"Prospective juror" § 8-101
[2006, ch. 372, § 13.]