§ 13-1701. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 27, § 253(a)(1)(i).
The reference to this "subtitle" is substituted for the former reference to this "section" although this subtitle is derived, in part, from material outside former Art. 27, § 253. Only § 13-1705 of this subtitle, which is derived from former Art. 27, § 247 as it related to Kent County, is also included in this subtitle, and it does not use any of the terms defined in this section. No substantive change results.
(b) County commissioners.- "County commissioners" means the Board of County Commissioners of Kent County.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language added to avoid repetition of the phrase "County Commissioners of Kent County" and for consistency within this title.
(c) Permit.- "Permit" means:
(1) a multiple gaming device permit issued under § 13-1703 of this subtitle; or
(2) a raffle permit issued under § 13-1704 of this subtitle.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 27, § 253(a)(1)(ii).
(d) Raffle.- "Raffle" means a lottery in which a prize is won by a person who buys a paper chance.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 27, § 253(a)(1)(iii)1.
The Criminal Law Article Review Committee notes, for the consideration of the General Assembly, that the reference to a "paper" chance may be overly specific.
Defined Terms.
"Person" § 1-101
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 253(a)(1)(i), (ii), (iii)1; 2002, ch. 26, § 2.]