§ 2-209. Manslaughter by vehicle or vessel.
(a) "Vehicle" defined.- In this section, "vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, streetcar, locomotive, engine, and train.
(b) Prohibited.- A person may not cause the death of another as a result of the person's driving, operating, or controlling a vehicle or vessel in a grossly negligent manner.
(c) Name of crime.- A violation of this section is manslaughter by vehicle or vessel.
(d) Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $5,000 or both.
(e) Charging document.-
(1) An indictment or other charging document for manslaughter by vehicle or vessel is sufficient if it substantially states:
"(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) killed (name of victim) in a grossly negligent manner against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.".
(2) An indictment or other charging document for manslaughter by vehicle or vessel need not set forth the manner or means of death.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 388; 2002, ch. 26, § 2.]