§ 11-704.2. Waiver of registration for sex offender under witness protection.
(a) Federal agency.- On written request by a federal agency operating a federal witness security program established under 18 U.S.C. 3521, the registration requirement for a sex offender under the protection of a federal witness security program is waived and the person under protection is exempt from registration.
(b) Nonfederal agency.- On written request by a nonfederal agency that operates a witness protection program comparable to a federal program established under 18 U.S.C. 3521, the registration requirement for a sex offender under the protection of a witness protection program is waived and the person under protection is exempt from registration.
(c) Termination of waiver.- A waiver granted under this section is terminated, and registration is required, if a sex offender exempted from registration under this section subsequently is convicted of an offense that requires registration under this subtitle.
[2010, chs. 174, 175.]