§ 6-206. Miscellaneous powers and duties.
(a) Powers.- In addition to any other powers set forth elsewhere, the Commission may:
(1) establish subcommittees or advisory committees composed of Commission members to accomplish the duties imposed under this section;
(2) require each State unit and local government unit to give information to the Commission on request; and
(3) apply for, accept, and use grants or financial or other aid from a public or private source to accomplish the duties established in this part.
(b) Duties.- At least annually, the Commission shall hold a hearing for public comments about the issues that are being studied by the Commission.
(c) Regulations and changes to guidelines.-
(1) The Commission may adopt rules governing the administration and proceedings of the Commission.
(2) A change to the sentencing guidelines requires adoption by a majority of the total number of members of the Commission.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 21-105(c), (d), (e), (f), (h); 2001, ch. 10, § 2.]