§ 6-213. Use of correctional population simulation model.
(a) Required.- The Commission shall use a correctional population simulation model to help determine the State and local correctional resources that:
(1) are required under current laws, policies, and practices relating to sentencing, parole, and mandatory supervision; and
(2) would be required to carry out future Commission recommendations for legislation or changes to the sentencing guidelines.
(b) Limits on recommendations for changes.- If the recommendations of the Commission for changes in legislation would result in State and local inmate populations exceeding the operating capacities of available facilities, the Commission shall present additional sentencing model alternatives consistent with these capacities.
(c) Availability of model.- In second priority to the work of the Commission, the Commission shall make the model available on request from any member of the General Assembly or the Secretary.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 21-108; 2001, ch. 10, § 2.]