§ 6-216. Judicial sentencing guidelines.
(a) In general.-
(1) A circuit court shall consider:
(i) the sentencing guidelines for ordinary sentences in deciding on the proper sentence; and
(ii) the sentencing guidelines for corrections options in deciding whether to sentence a defendant to a corrections options program or to impose an ordinary sentence.
(2) In deciding whether to sentence a defendant to a corrections options program, the court primarily shall consider the public safety.
(b) Limits on guidelines.- The sentencing guidelines may not:
(1) allow for a sentence exceeding the maximum sentence provided by law; or
(2) be used in violation of any mandatory minimum sentence required by law.
(c) Delivery and review of sentencing guidelines worksheet.-
(1) If a court prepares a Maryland sentencing guidelines worksheet, the clerk of court shall deliver a copy of the Maryland sentencing guidelines worksheet to the unit that has been ordered by the court to retain custody of the defendant.
(2) The copy shall be delivered with the commitment order or as soon as practicable after issuance of the commitment order.
(3) The Parole Commission shall review a Maryland sentencing guidelines worksheet to ensure compliance with the requirements of Title 7 of the Correctional Services Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 643C(b), (c), art. 41, § 21-106(a), (c)(2), (3); 2001, ch. 10, § 2.]