§ 10-111. Applicability of laws.
(a) State laws - In general.-
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, in exercising its powers, the Corporation:
(i) may carry out its corporate purposes without the consent of any State unit; and
(ii) is not subject to:
1. Title 12, Subtitles 1 through 3 of this article;
2. the following provisions of the State Finance and Procurement Article:
A. Title 2, Subtitles 2 (Gifts and Grants), 4 (Water and Sewerage Systems), and 5 (Facilities for the Handicapped);
B. Title 3 (Budget and Management);
C. Title 4 (Department of General Services);
D. Title 5A (Division of Historical and Cultural Programs);
E. Title 6, Subtitle 1 (Studies and Estimates);
F. Title 7, Subtitles 1 (State Operating Budget), 2 (Disbursements and Expenditures), and 3 (Unspent Balances);
G. §§ 8-127, 8-128, and 8-129 (certain restrictions on State general obligation bonds);
H. Title 8, Subtitle 1, Part V (State Revenue Anticipation Notes);
I. Title 10 (Board of Public Works - Miscellaneous Provisions); and
J. Division II (General Procurement Law);
3. the following provisions of the State Government Article:
A. Title 9, Subtitles 10 (State Archives and Artistic Property) and 17 (Maryland State Employees Surety Bond Committee);
B. §§ 10-505 and 10-507 (certain open meetings provisions); and
C. Title 11 (Consolidated Procedures for Development Permits); and
4. Article 41 of the Code.
(2) The Corporation is subject to the Public Information Act.
(b) State laws - Ethics; personnel; pensions.-
(1) The Corporation, its officers, and its employees are subject to the Public Ethics Law.
(2) The officers and employees of the Corporation are not subject to:
(i) Division II of the State Personnel and Pensions Article; or
(ii) the provisions of Division I of the State Personnel and Pensions Article that govern the State Personnel Management System.
(c) Public body.- The Corporation is a public body under Title 5, Subtitle 4 of this article, the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority Act, for purposes of applying for, receiving, and making agreements in connection with:
(1) a loan;
(2) a grant;
(3) insurance; or
(4) any other form of financial assistance.
(d) Regulatory requirements.- The Corporation is subject to the same State and local regulatory requirements as any private corporation.
(e) Zoning.- A project of the Corporation is subject to the zoning and subdivision regulations of the jurisdiction where it is located.
(f) Procurement.- The Corporation, its officers, and its employees are subject to Title 12, Subtitle 4 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83A, §§ 5-204(c) (intro. lang.), (1), (2), 5-214; 2008, ch. 306, § 2; ch. 307, § 1.]