§ 10-309. Executive Director.
(a) Position; tenure; compensation.-
(1) Subject to the approval of the Governor, the Authority shall appoint an Executive Director.
(2) The Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the Authority.
(3) The Authority shall determine the compensation of the Executive Director.
(4) The Executive Director may not be a member of the Authority.
(b) Administrative officer.- Subject to the supervision of the Authority, the Executive Director is the chief administrative officer of the Authority.
(c) Duties.- The Executive Director:
(1) shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Authority; and
(2) is the custodian of all books and documents filed with the Authority, the records of the Authority, and the seal of the Authority.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43C, § 4(d), (e); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]