§ 10-314. Powers - In general.
(a) In general.- The Authority may:
(1) adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business;
(2) sue and be sued;
(3) adopt a seal;
(4) maintain an office at a place it designates;
(5) issue bonds in accordance with this subtitle;
(6) accept a grant, loan, or other assistance in any form from any public or private source, subject to the provisions of this subtitle;
(7) charge to and equitably allocate among participating institutions the administrative costs and expenses of carrying out this subtitle; and
(8) do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly granted by this subtitle.
(b) Limitation.-
(1) A health care institution may not use any money received from a bond issued by the Authority to match any State loan or grant that is available for improvement of a health care institution.
(2) The Authority shall comply with the terms and conditions of assistance received in accordance with subsection (a)(6) of this section.
(c) Delegation.- The Authority may delegate to a member or officer a power granted to the Authority by this subtitle, including the power to execute a bond, certificate, deed, lease, mortgage, agreement, or other document or instrument.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43C, §§ 4(g), 5(a)(1)-(4), (6), (10), (14)-(16); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]