§ 10-342. Legislative finding; purpose; intent.
(a) Legislative finding.- The General Assembly finds that the failure to provide for the payment of public obligations of a closed or delicensed hospital could seriously impair the ability of health care facilities and State and local governments to secure subsequent financing through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds.
(b) Purpose.- The purpose of this part is to preserve the access of health care facilities in the State to adequate financing through a program that facilitates the refinancing and payment of public obligations of a closed or delicensed hospital.
(c) Intent - Interagency cooperation.- It is the intent of this part that the Health Services Cost Review Commission, the Maryland Health Care Commission, and the Authority shall consult with and consider each others' recommendations in making the determinations required under this part.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43C, § 16A(c), (m); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]