§ 10-345. Additional required information.
(a) Notice of hearing or finding.- As to each hospital that files a notice of intent to close under § 10-344(a)(1)(i) of this subtitle, the Maryland Health Care Commission shall provide to the Authority and the Health Services Cost Review Commission notice that includes:
(1) for a hospital that is located in a county with three or more hospitals, a statement that the hospital, in consultation with the Maryland Health Care Commission, held a public information hearing in the county where the hospital is located;
(2) for a hospital that is located in a county with fewer than three hospitals, notification of its finding on whether the proposed closing is:
(i) in the public interest; and
(ii) not inconsistent with the State health plan or an institution-specific plan that the Maryland Health Care Commission developed; and
(3) the name and location of the hospital and the scheduled date of the closure.
(b) Timing.- The Maryland Health Care Commission shall submit the notifications required under this section at least 150 days before the scheduled date of the closure.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43C, § 16A(f)(2), (3), (5); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]