§ 3-410. Advisory Board - Duties.
(a) In general.- The Board shall:
(1) submit recommendations to the Secretary concerning overall policy for the Program;
(2) recommend a system to evaluate requests for assistance under the Program, including eligibility criteria and priorities for assistance;
(3) develop criteria to assess and evaluate Program performance and advise the Secretary of the criteria;
(4) consult regularly with the Governor's Workforce Investment Board and the Maryland Economic Development Commission concerning the activities of the Program;
(5) submit a quarterly report on the Program to the Governor's Workforce Investment Board; and
(6) advise the Secretary on coordination of cooperative activities at the State and local level between the Department, employers, labor, and other public and private entities involved with workforce quality.
(b) Distribution of assistance.- In recommending a system for evaluating requests for assistance, the Board shall consider the equal distribution of assistance to all subdivisions of the State.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83A, § 3-702(a)(2), (d) (intro. lang), (1)-(4), (e); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]