§ 3-412. Use of Program money.
(a) In general.- The Program may provide business assistance services under § 3-406 of this subtitle at no cost to the employer.
(b) Allowable costs.- Program money may be used for costs associated with the direct delivery of instruction, including:
(1) curriculum development;
(2) course materials; and
(3) instructors' salaries and expenses for training.
(c) Funding criteria.-
(1) At least 60% of the money available to the Program shall be reserved for employers with 150 or fewer employees based in the State.
(2) Up to 20% of the money available to the Program may be provided to an employer with more than 500 employees based in the State, if the employer:
(i) is primarily engaged in manufacturing or in a technology-based business;
(ii) agrees to increase purchases of goods produced in the State and services from suppliers based in the State; and
(iii) agrees to provide the workforce training to the number of employees based in the State, as determined by the Program, of smaller employers located in the State that supply goods or services to the employer receiving the money.
(d) Limitations.-
(1) An employer may not receive more than $200,000 a year from the Program.
(2) The Program may not contribute more than 50% of direct training costs for job-specific training assistance.
(3) Program money may not be used for:
(i) capital equipment for an employer; or
(ii) trainee wages.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83A, § 3-703(c)(3), (4), (h), (i); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]