§ 5-1306. Benefits.
(a) In general.- Benefits are available to political subdivisions with BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zones as provided in this section.
(b) Eligibility; authorized uses.-
(1) A political subdivision that receives designation of an area as a BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zone may receive amounts as provided in § 2-222 of the Tax - Property Article.
(2) Amounts received by a political subdivision as provided in § 2-222 of the Tax - Property Article:
(i) shall be used to pay for infrastructure improvements in the BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zone; and
(ii) may be used for the repayment of bonds, including tax increment financing bonds, issued by the political subdivision for infrastructure improvements in the BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zone.
(c) Coordination with other programs.- Political subdivisions and business entities may receive priority consideration for financial assistance for projects or operations in a BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zone from:
(1) programs in:
(i) the Department;
(ii) the Department of Housing and Community Development; or
(iii) the Department of Planning; or
(2) any other appropriate State programs.
(d) Period of availability.- The benefits set forth in this section are available for 10 years after the date that the first property in the BRAC Revitalization and Incentive Zone becomes a qualified property, as defined in § 2-222 of the Tax - Property Article.
(e) Regulations.- The Department shall adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this subtitle and to specify criteria and procedures for the application, approval, and monitoring the eligibility for the benefits under this subtitle.
[2008, ch. 36, § 6; 338, § 1; 2009, ch. 728.]