§ 13-203. Steps in grievance procedure.
(a) Availability of procedure; number of steps.- If, following informal discussion with the supervisor, a dispute remains unresolved, the grievance procedure is available. There are three steps in the grievance procedure.
(b) Step One.-
(1) Step One. Step one is the initiation of a complaint. Grievances shall be initiated within 30 calendar days of the action involved, or within 30 calendar days of the employee having reasonable knowledge of the act, unless these time limits are further delimited as stated in § 13-205 of this subtitle. Appeals within the grievance procedure shall be timed from receipt of the written opinion of management or from when such opinion is due, whichever comes first. An aggrieved employee or the employee's designated representative may present the grievance in writing to the department head or chairman or designee for formal consideration. If the grievance is presented to the department head or chairman or designee, within 5 days after the receipt of the written grievance a conference shall be held with the aggrieved or the employee's designated representative and within 5 days after the conclusion of the conference a decision shall be rendered in writing to the aggrieved or the employee's designated representative. If the aggrieved employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered at this step, the employee or the employee's designated representative may appeal in writing to step two within 5 days.
(2) Both employee and department head or chairman or designee shall continue to review the matter, either privately or with the help of others in the employee's immediate work unit who are directly involved in the grievance. Each department head or chairman or designee shall use judgment in keeping superiors informed of the status of each grievance and, if necessary, request guidance, advisory committees, or other assistance consistent with departmental policy. If either the employee or the department head or chairman or designee feels the need for aid in arriving at a solution, the campus personnel department may be requested to provide resource staff or any other available resource personnel may be invited to participate in further discussions. The addition of such participants does not relieve the department head or chairman or designee and the employee from responsibility for resolving the problem.
(c) Step Two.- Step Two. The appeal shall be submitted to the president of the constituent institution or the president's designated representative within 5 days after the receipt of the written decision at step one. The president or the president's designated representative shall hold a conference with the aggrieved or the employee's designated representative within 10 days of receipt of the written grievance appeal and render a written decision within 15 days after the conclusion of the conference.
(d) Step Three.- Step Three. In the case of any still unresolved grievance between an employee and the constituent institution, the aggrieved employee, after exhausting all available procedures provided by the constituent institution, may submit the grievance to either arbitration or to the Chancellor who may delegate this responsibility to the Office of Administrative Hearings in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 2 of the State Government Article. In either case, the appeal shall be submitted within 10 days after the receipt of any written decision pertaining to that grievance and issued by the constituent institution. If the grievance is arbitrated, the parties shall select an arbitrator by mutual agreement. If they are unable to reach a mutual agreement, an arbitrator shall be supplied by the American Arbitration Association by their procedures. Any fees resulting from arbitration are assessed by the arbitrator equally between the two parties. The arbitration award is advisory to the Chancellor or administrative law judge, as appropriate, and an additional appeal or hearing may not be considered. The Chancellor or administrative law judge, as appropriate, shall make the final decision that is binding on all parties.
(e) Authority of Chancellor or administrative law judge.- The Chancellor or administrative law judge, as appropriate, shall have the power to award back pay in any grievance and the president of the constituent institution shall enforce such order. In any reclassification case in which the Chancellor or administrative law judge, as appropriate, or his designated representative, determines that an employee has been misclassified, the Chancellor or administrative law judge, as appropriate, may, in his discretion, award back pay to the employee for a period not to exceed one year prior to the initial filing of the grievance.
(f) Coercion, discrimination, interference, reprisal and restraint prohibited.-
(1) During any stage of a complaint, grievance, or other administrative or legal action that concerns State employment by a full-time or part-time employee of an institution, or by a temporary or contractual employee of an institution, the employee may not be subjected to coercion, discrimination, interference, reprisal, or restraint by or initiated on behalf of an institution solely as a result of that employee's pursuit of a grievance, complaint, or other administrative or legal action that concerns State employment.
(2) An employee of an institution may not intentionally take or assist in taking an act of coercion, discrimination, interference, reprisal, or restraint against another employee solely as a result of that employee's pursuit of a grievance, complaint, or other administrative or legal action that concerns State employment.
(3) An employee who violates the provisions of this subsection is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
[1978, ch. 723, § 1; 1980, ch. 726; 1986, ch. 382; 1988, ch. 246, § 2; 1990, ch. 325; 1995, ch. 160, § 2; ch. 161, § 2; 1996, ch. 10, § 16; ch. 349, § 13; 1999, ch. 515, § 1; 2003, ch. 21, § 7.]