§ 18-2101. Definitions [Subtitle subject to repeal].
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Community-based program.- "Community-based program" means:
(1) Any community program licensed by the Developmental Disabilities Administration or approved by the Mental Hygiene Administration to provide habilitation, rehabilitation, residential, or related community support services to individuals with developmental disabilities or mental disorders;
(2) Any residential child care program licensed by the Department of Human Resources or the Department of Juvenile Services; or
(3) Any program certified by the Office of Health Care Quality to provide alcohol and drug treatment services.
(c) Degree program in human services.- "Degree program in human services" means an academic major or concentration in aging services, counseling, disability services, mental health, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, rehabilitation, social work, special education, supported employment, vocational rehabilitation, or any other concentration in the healing arts or to providing supportive services to individuals with special needs.
(d) Direct service employee.- "Direct service employee" means:
(1) An employee of a community-based program who primarily provides:
(i) Direct support or care to individuals with disabilities; or
(ii) First-line supervision of employees providing direct support or care to individuals with disabilities;
(2) (i) An employee of a community-based program who provides direct care and supervision of children who are in the custody of a local department of social services or the Department of Juvenile Services; or
(ii) A first-line supervisor of employees who provide direct care and supervision of children who are in the custody of a local department of social services or the Department of Juvenile Services; or
(3) An employee of a community-based program who primarily provides:
(i) Direct support or care to individuals who are dependent on alcohol or drugs as defined under Title 8 of the Health - General Article; or
(ii) First-line supervision of employees providing direct support or care to individuals with alcohol or drug dependency.
(e) Program.- "Program" means the Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Services Workforce Tuition Assistance Program.
[1999, ch. 550; 2002, ch. 302, §§ 1, 2; 2003, ch. 21, §§ 1, 7; ch. 53, § 9; 2006, ch. 488.]