§ 18-2310. Administration.
(a) Commission's role.- The Maryland Higher Education Commission shall draft a plan to administer a Maryland HOPE Scholarship Program.
(b) Content of plan.- The Commission's plan shall include:
(1) A 3-year schedule, beginning July 1, 2000, for the progressive implementation of the Maryland HOPE Scholarship Award to all eligible students; and
(2) A priority list of the applicable fields of study which focuses on such factors as:
(i) Economic need of the State;
(ii) Employment shortage areas of the State; and
(iii) Training and education capacity of the higher education institutions in Maryland.
(c) Creating priority list.- The priority list shall be created in consultation with the appropriate advisory boards of the Commission, the Department of Business and Economic Development, and representatives of higher education and private industry.
[1999, ch. 704, § 3; ch. 705, § 3.]