§ 21-403. Inspection and listing of community rehabilitation programs.
(a) Listing.- The Division of Rehabilitation Services shall maintain a register of private nonprofit agencies or organizations it considers qualified to provide community rehabilitation program employment for individuals with disabilities.
(b) Inspection of facilities.- Before it registers any organization or agency, the Division of Rehabilitation Services shall inspect community rehabilitation programs to determine if:
(1) They are appropriate;
(2) The agency or organization is eligible to receive funds under this subtitle; and
(3) The programs meet the standards for community rehabilitation programs accepted by the Rehabilitation Services Administration of the federal Department of Education.
[An. Code 1957, art. 77, § 141D; 1978, ch. 22, § 2; 1982, ch. 770, § 4; 1992, ch. 42; 1998, ch. 225.]