§ 23-106. Maryland Advisory Council on Libraries.
(a) Established.- There is a Maryland Advisory Council on Libraries.
(b) Composition; term; vacancies; compensation.-
(1) The Advisory Council consists of 12 members, 7 of whom are appointed by the Governor. Each member is entitled to participate fully and equally in the activities of the Council.
(2) Each member shall:
(i) Be a resident of this State;
(ii) Be an individual of ability and integrity who is experienced in public or library affairs; and
(iii) Represent the interests of the citizens of this State in better library services.
(3) Of the appointed members:
(i) Five shall be selected from the public at large;
(ii) One shall be a professional librarian; and
(iii) One shall be a library trustee.
(4) The following officials serve ex officio and each may designate someone to serve in his place:
(i) The Secretary of Higher Education;
(ii) The President of the Board of Trustees of Enoch Pratt Free Library;
(iii) The President of the Maryland Library Association;
(iv) The Dean of the University of Maryland College of Library and Information Services; and
(v) The President of the Maryland Educational Media Organization.
(5) (i) Each appointed member serves for a term of 5 years and until a successor is appointed and qualifies. These terms are staggered as required by the terms of the members serving on July 1, 1978.
(ii) An appointed member may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
(iii) A member appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term serves only for the remainder of that term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(6) Each member of the Advisory Council:
(i) Serves without compensation; and
(ii) Is entitled to reimbursement for expenses in accordance with the Standard State Travel Regulations.
(c) Chairman; officers; staff; meetings.-
(1) Each year:
(i) The Governor shall appoint a member of the Advisory Council as its Chairman; and
(ii) The Advisory Council shall elect one of its members as its vice chairman.
(2) The Assistant Superintendent for Libraries shall:
(i) Serve as secretary to the Advisory Council;
(ii) Record the proceedings of the Council; and
(iii) Provide necessary staff services.
(3) The Advisory Council shall meet at least once a year at the times and places its Chairman designates.
(4) Seven members of the Advisory Council are a quorum and at least 7 affirmative votes are required for any recommendation to:
(i) The Division of Library Services;
(ii) The State Superintendent;
(iii) The State Board; or
(iv) The Governor.
(d) Duties.- The Advisory Council shall:
(1) Gather information on the needs of libraries throughout this State;
(2) Advise the Division of Library Development and Services, the State Superintendent, the State Board, and the Governor on library matters; and
(3) Promote improvement of library services in this State.
(e) Funds.- The Advisory Council may be funded annually as provided in the budget of the Division of Library Development and Services.
[An. Code 1957, art. 77, § 167; 1978, ch. 22, § 2; 1979, ch. 65; 1982, ch. 138; 1988, ch. 246, § 2; 1989, ch. 5, § 1.]