§ 25-302. Implementation of Compact.
(a) Compliance with laws applicable to political subdivisions.- No political subdivision of this State shall be party to a library agreement which provides for the construction or maintenance of a library pursuant to Article III, subdivision (c) (7) of the Compact, nor pledge its credit in support of such a library, or contribute to the capital financing thereof, except after compliance with any laws applicable to such political subdivisions relating to or governing capital outlays and the pledging of credit.
(b) Meaning of "State library agency".- As used in the Compact, "State library agency," with reference to this State, means the Division of Library Development and Services of the State Department of Education.
(c) Interstate library districts.- An interstate library district lying partly within this State may claim and be entitled to receive State aid in support of any of its functions to the same extent and in the same manner as such functions are eligible for support when carried on by entities wholly within this State. For the purposes of computing and apportioning State aid to an interstate library district, this State will consider that portion of the area which lies within this State as an independent entity for the performance of the aided function or functions and compute and apportion the aid accordingly. Subject to any applicable laws of this State, such a district also may apply for and be entitled to receive any federal aid for which it may be eligible.
(d) Compact administrator and deputy administrators.- The Assistant Superintendent for Libraries shall be the compact administrator pursuant to Article X of the Compact. The State Board of Education on the recommendation of the State Superintendent of Schools may appoint one or more deputy compact administrators pursuant to said article.
(e) Notices upon withdrawal.- In the event of withdrawal from the Compact the Governor shall send and receive any notices required by Article XI (b) of the Compact.
[An. Code 1957, art. 77, § 166A; 1978, ch. 22, § 2; 2001, ch. 29, § 6.]