§ 5-312. Application of high performance building standards.
(a) "High performance building" defined.- In this section, "high performance building" has the meaning stated in § 3-602.1 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(b) Scope.- This section applies to the construction of new schools that have not initiated a Request For Proposal for the selection of an architectural and engineering consultant on or before July 1, 2009.
(c) In general.- Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a new school that receives State public school construction funds shall be constructed to be a high performance building.
(d) Waiver process.-
(1) The Board of Public Works shall establish a process to allow a school system to obtain a waiver from complying with subsection (c) of this section.
(2) The waiver process shall:
(i) Include a review by the Interagency Committee to determine if the construction of a high performance building is not practicable; and
(ii) Require the approval of a waiver by the Interagency Committee.
(e) Cost sharing; limitation.- For fiscal years 2010 through 2014 only, the State shall pay 50% of the local share of the extra costs, identified and approved by the Interagency Committee, that are incurred in constructing a new school to meet the high performance building requirements of this section.
(f) Regulations.- The Board of Public Works shall adopt regulations to implement the requirements of this section.
[2008, ch. 124, § 2.]