§ 7-204. Assessment of testing and measurement programs.
(a) Definitions.-
(1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) "Criterion-referenced test" means a measuring instrument that meets common standards or criteria including validity, reliability, objectivity, efficiency, and usefulness.
(3) "Measurement" means a procedure for determining quantity.
(4) "Standardized test" means a measuring instrument that:
(i) Is designed to measure important common outcomes of representative courses of study;
(ii) Is administered according to specific detailed directions prescribed in a manual;
(iii) Is scored by an objective procedure;
(iv) Provides norms for comparison of individual scores with representative group scores; and
(v) Provides information needed for judging the value of the test.
(5) "Test" means a method, technique, or instrument that measures the amount, status, or level of progress achieved toward an instructional objective.
(6) "Test objectivity" means a set of conditions leading to standard procedure and interpretation, and the elimination of all elements of personal bias.
(7) "Test reliability" means the consistency with which a test can be trusted to give the same or similar scores or descriptions of behaviors at different times.
(8) "Test validity" means the extent to which an appraisal technique actually measures the element it is designed to measure.
(b) In general.-
(1) The State Board shall conduct a comprehensive, in-depth assessment of State mandated testing and measurement programs.
(2) The assessment shall include for each State mandated testing or measurement program an evaluation of:
(i) Costs of materials for administering the testing and measurement programs;
(ii) The efficiency and effectiveness of the testing and measurement programs;
(iii) Administrative procedures and costs associated with the testing and measurement programs;
(iv) Allocation of time devoted to testing and measurement; and
(v) Methods for scoring and utilization of test results.
(3) The assessment shall include an analysis of the validity, reliability, and objectivity of all testing and measurement instruments including:
(i) Standardized tests;
(ii) Criterion-referenced tests; and
(iii) The functional testing program established under § 7-203 of this subtitle.
(c) Standards for test validity, reliability, and objectivity.-
(1) For any test instrument authorized for use in a State mandated testing and measurement program, the Board shall recommend procedures and standards for determining test validity, test reliability, and test objectivity.
(2) On or before December 1, 1992, the Board shall make a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor, and in accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly.
[1992, ch. 652; 1996, ch. 10, § 16; 1997, ch. 635, § 9; ch. 636, § 9.]